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This exceptional oil is 100% natural, vegan and composed of exclusively organic virgin vegetable oils. It has a light texture and is immediately absorbed by the epidermis.
It is rigorously formulated with the best ingredients selected for their effectiveness. It has a powerful regenerating, nourishing, revitalizing and toning action. The sublime blend of neroli, frankincense and laurel give it its vitalizing, subtle and unique fragrance and provides a powerful regenerating action on your senses and your energies.
Organic rose hip and grape seed oils have a powerful regenerating action and act against skin ageing by opposing free radicals.
Virgin organic rosehip oil has a powerful repairing and healing action and is very beneficial against age spots.
Organic grape seed oil has a powerful emollient and nourishing action on the skin.
Incense, a powerful astringent, increases skin tone. The powerful essential oil of laurel brings strength and courage to the mind.